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Dendrimer Physical Property Analysis Service

Dendrimer Physical Property Analysis Service

The physical parameters of dendrimers include viscosity, glass transition temperature, sedimentation, and density. As experts in the study of dendrimers, CD BioSciences is committed to providing dendrimer characterization services to customers worldwide. With our sophisticated equipment and experienced scientists, we are confident that we can meet your needs for every dendrimer physical parameter analysis to advance your project and facilitate downstream applications of dendrimers.

Introduction into Physical Property of Dendrimer

Introduction into Physical Property of Dendrimer

As spherical nanoscale molecules, dendrimers have well-defined monodisperse structures, and their characterization techniques are becoming increasingly important as they are used in many applications in various fields. Especially when dendrimers are used as nanocarriers for drug delivery, characterization assays are important for the design and functionalization of the carriers. When dendrimers are characterized, not only their chemical composition but also their molecular weight, morphology, properties, homogeneity, and physical parameters need to be determined. Among these physical parameters, the analysis of dendrimers includes the analysis of viscosity, glass transition temperature, sedimentation, and density. The analytical techniques include viscometry, differential scanning calorimetry (DSC), absorption spectroscopy, pH, and turbidity measurements, etc. In addition, dendritic macromolecules have good water solubility and can carry multiple charges. And the properties of dendritic macromolecules in solution are determined by the structure, terminal modification ability and solubilization conditions (e.g., solvent, pH, temperature, and concentration), which can be analyzed by electrophoretic methods.

Technology for Dendrimer Physical Property Analysis

Analytical techniques for the physical property of dendrimers are mainly realized by electrophoresis techniques. Among them, polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (PAGE) and capillary electrophoresis (CE) provide useful information about the purity and homogeneity of dendrimers as well as electrophoretic mobility. CE can be used for the characterization of physical parameters of dendrimers in addition to improving their separation by combining them with mass spectrometry, which also provides opportunities for the detection of isomers. Agarose gel electrophoresis can be used to study complex formation and stability, charge and molar ratios, and DNA conformation, and is one of the common analytical methods used to determine the size and stability of dendrimer-loaded formulations. In addition, rheology, especially solution viscosity analysis, can be used as an analytical probe for the morphological structure of dendrimers.

Plots of the experimental and calculated intrinsic viscosity [η] for different dendrimers as a function of generation.Plots of the experimental and calculated intrinsic viscosity [η] for different dendrimers as a function of generation. (Ganazzoli F, et al., 2020)

Our Services

CD BioSciences utilizes our organic chemistry platform to help our customers explore the physical properties of dendritic polymers to meet their growing needs in numerous applications. Using a variety of chemical analytical techniques, our expert scientists are dedicated to providing analytical services for a variety of physical parameters of dendritic polymers, including but not limited to

  • Viscosity Analysis Service
  • Glass Transition Temperature Analysis Service
  • Sedimentation Analysis Service
  • Density Analysis Service

All of our deliverable results are subjected to rigorous quality testing and are guaranteed to be delivered within a quick turnaround time.

Service Process

Service Process

Want to Learn More?

As a trusted CRO, CD BioSciences provides the most comprehensive and effective solutions for dendrimer characterization. Our experienced scientists are dedicated to helping our customers solve all the problems encountered during the characterization of dendrimers to advance their widespread use. In addition, we have innovative dendrimer products to meet your experimental needs. If you are interested in our services or have any other questions, please feel free to contact us and we look forward to working with you on attractive projects.


  1. Ganazzoli F, Raffaini G. Dendrimer Dynamics: A Review of Analytical Theories and Molecular Simulation Methods. Polymers (Basel). 2020, 12: 1387.

For research use only. Not for clinical use.